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The Full Story

Austin Scott

Age: 21 / From: Lodi, California / Favorite Teams: Sacramento Kings, San Francisco Giants, and Pittsburgh Steelers


When I was four years old I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (high-functioning autism), and my mom got me immediate help through my childhood development phase, giving me the best version of life I could ask for. I stayed in my hometown my whole life all the way until I went to Arizona State University, where I would eventually get raised by my wonderful grandma and older brother and meet my amazing best friend and girlfriend. My mother passed away from ongoing drug abuse and health issues during my freshman year of high school. It was definitely the lowest moment I've experienced, but it allowed me to fully blossom. My mother told me to join a club in high school before she passed, and that's when I joined the theatre program and became the outgoing, spontaneous person I am today. Due to financial struggles, I decided to start at community college before coming to ASU. It was a hard decision for me to make, but I knew it was best for me. After finishing my two associate degrees in two years, I was ready to go to ASU. I had been working since I was 16 years old at Target, Dick's Sporting Goods, Secretary of State, Domino's, and countless other positions to save money. Financially I'm on my own for college, so managing my finances day-to-day is extremely important to me. After four semesters of countless, euphoric opportunities and experiences in sports broadcasting, this last semester at ASU has been my best as it's gotten better and better each semester. I'm getting paid to cover sports, I'm at the best school getting the best education, I'm traveling the world, I'm surrounded by the best people I can ask for, and every day I'm getting closer and closer to my truest, authentic self. I'm in my element.



Going to the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication is the best career/life decision I've made thus far. I've learned the ins and outs of sports writing, radio, podcasting, television, production, independence, self-love, and so much more. A picture perfect life for me would be to travel the world with the people I love the most, while also getting paid to cover sports in any capacity. I've diversified my skills to the maximum so I can be a swiss army knife to any company, organization, or employer. My favorite memories in life are watching sports with people and traveling the world with people. With a bachelor's degree in Sports Broadcast Journalism, my mission is to land a fulfilling, spontaneous, well-paying career is sports broadcasting so I can be one of many to give sports fans the best product imaginable. 


I'll put it this way, I'm a dreamer not a realist. I started watching sports when I was eight years old and my deep passion for sports has only grown since then. I also did theatre arts and improvisation all four years of high school, which is where I learned that sharing joy with the world through my words, emotions, and actions would be a dream come true. I believe that anything is attainable and that any aspiration is reachable as long as you give yourself the chance to do it. Having hope, faith, and a strong connection with the universe and the people within it can take me anywhere I desire to be. My vision is limitless, and my goal is to make a meaningful, positive impact on as many people as possible through sports and entertainment. 

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